every time you smile at someone, it action of love, a beautiful thing :)
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
for you, boy !
I really admire you, but that was yesterday, not for now! And I guess forget about you is the best option . so, goodbye boy ! maybe, someday I'll miss you again . hashh -..-
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
fill my heart
In my little heart wants you
Hoping to be with you
And I'm sure you indeed
My choice :)
Hoping to be with you
And I'm sure you indeed
My choice :)
Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010
Laugh with them
♥ People I Love
. father
. mother
. brotha
. sista vivi
. sista alfi
. sista icha
. temon
. bahri
. eldi
. eldi
♥ GARASI -Garis Keras Sosial
. mama
. bahjah
. landa
. nyempluk
. nyek
. mbull
. bella
. hamida
. atok
. ayam
. yosop
. budha
. fery
. dkk
I ♥ you guys , I hope this can be forever
Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010
The H Word : Happy
I am an incredibly happy person, not because my life is entirely perfect, but because I choose to live in happiness. I do find myself tired sometimes, as being happy requires a thoughtful vision to grasp the art of life. At these times, I ask myself, “Nabila, are you sure you want to quit being happy?” I then answer myself, “If I refuse to live happy today, then I might just die in sadness”.
Whatever happens, do be positive about this life. No matter how sickening things can stumble upon you, or how hopeless you feel about your situation, do remember that life has never been simple, so just deal with it. Everything, has a way out. Think positive, be happy. No matter what.
Whatever happens, do be positive about this life. No matter how sickening things can stumble upon you, or how hopeless you feel about your situation, do remember that life has never been simple, so just deal with it. Everything, has a way out. Think positive, be happy. No matter what.
chasing pavements
In life, there comes a time when you need to slow down. You may have been running so fast, or too far, and you run out of track, and you exceed the limits your legs seem running without the control of your brain.
stop using plastic bags
We all love shopping, don’t we? And the more we shop, the more cute plastic shopping bags we get to use to carry back home the purchased items....:)
We gotta admit though, that one of our most powerful acts that actually contribute to a wasteful lifestyle would be, well, the plastic shopping bag. It's made from non-renewable fossil fuels, is completely non-biodegradable, and sadly, is usually made to be used once, and thrown out.
We gotta admit though, that one of our most powerful acts that actually contribute to a wasteful lifestyle would be, well, the plastic shopping bag. It's made from non-renewable fossil fuels, is completely non-biodegradable, and sadly, is usually made to be used once, and thrown out.
Drama Queen
Hidup ini penuh dengan pilihan, pilihan yang tersedia sering membuat orang menghadapi dilema dalam hidup mereka ... Aku percaya gak ada akhir mengatakan kepada pilihan mana yang sebenarnya yang terbaik, tapi kita harus mengakui bahwa meskipun ada pilihan yang tanpa diragukan lagi, sebenarnya sangat buruk
Halo semuanya! Tadi abis googling tentang laptop, trus nemu artikel yang membahas tentang perbedaan dari istilah Laptop, Notebook, Netbook, and Nettop! Waahhh...honestly, aku baru denger yang ‘Nettop’ heheh. Ini rangkuman definisi dari tiap istilah yaa. Siapa tau berguna buat some of you yang memang belum tau...:)
Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
My Boy :D
Do you know Facebook?
Do you know Barrack Obama?
Then you MUST know this boy...
Chris Hughes. Umurnya baru 25 tahun, co-foundernya Facebook dan dia salah satu orang di balik menangnya Obama! Canggih ya? Hehehe…
Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010
BAD DAY -..-
Instruksi: Pilih satu jawaban yang menurut km paling tepat di bawah ini!
Pertanyaan: Apa sih definisi BAD DAY menurut km?
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